Here's looking at you world!!!

Here's looking at you world!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The very first post

Hello out there . . . . .wow, writing the first entry has suddenly become just a little intimidating. Well best thing to do is just jump right in and begin!

I think I will start with a little introduction - - My name is Lisa, I am a 35 year old stay-at-home mom. I have been married for 7 years to my college sweetheart. We have two little girls who are just filled to the brim with spirit and spunk, as you could probably tell from the picture above! The oldest is Jenna, who just turned 6 this last weekend. The picture was taken on her birthday party at a gymnasium, the kids were able to run around and play on the equipment. Our girls had a great time! I hope all of the guests had a great time too! Our middle child is Andi, who is three. Our third and youngest princess isn't in the picture yet, because she is still baking in my belly. She is due to make her first appearance in this world in early June. I think I will have to put an ultra sound pic up soon of her.

Oh, and if you are wondering why I call her a laughing princess too, and she isn't even born yet?
Well, that's because every time her sisters are around my belly giggling she starts to kick and move, so I naturally assume she is laughing right along with them.

Does any one else have daughters that are close in age? Do they giggle like crazy together and whisper secrets in each others ears, looking up suddenly to see if any one has heard with a twinkle in their eyes and then burst out into long peels of laughter that are tough to recover from?

Their laughter is the sweet, magical music which we orchestrate our lives too. This blog is about the happy melody of family life with our three laughing princesses as they grow. So if you want to find out what happened today, then check back soon for the next post . . . . . . .until then, God Bless

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